Lead Buy
This is a JSON POST API which uses API key header authorization. The API is used to help lenders make lead buy decisions.
Sandbox CredentialsEndpoint URL - https://api.xrv3.lokyata.com/process-lp-lead x-api-key(Header) - 0VIBkISQiaQS4z6iggxT11JKqvw0subW
RequestName | Type | Required | Length | Description |
test_type | string | No | 64 | For testing, Deny = Returns a test decline API response; Accept = Returns a test accept message API response; Review = Returns a review API response - ["Deny","Accept", "Review"] |
request_id | string | Yes | 64 | Unique ID for API request. Can be any unique ID generated by you. |
lead_provider_id | string | Yes | 30 | Unique ID for lead provider / submitter. Values provided by Lokyata. |
campaign_id | string | Yes | 64 | Unique ID for campaign configured by lender in lead provider system. Values provided by Lokyata (separate for each lender) |
affiliate_id | string | Yes | 64 | Unique ID for affiliate provider. Can be any ID from your system. |
affiliate_sub_id | string | No | 64 | Unique ID for sub affiliates. Can be any ID from your system. |
lead_price | float | Yes | Lender's cost to purchase lead | |
application_website | string | Yes | 300 | Website used by the customer during application |
ip_address | string | Yes | 39 | Customer's IP address. Accepts both IPv4 & IPv6 Format. |
requested_amount | int | Yes | Requested loan amount in USD, including dollars and cents. | |
ssn | string | Yes | 9 | Customer’s social security number. Format: all digits; no dashes. |
dob | date | Yes | Customers date of birth. Format: yyyy-mm-dd . | |
gender | string | No | 7 | Customer’s gender - ["Male", "Female","Unknown", "Other"] |
first_name | string | Yes | 50 | Customer’s first name |
middle_initial | string | No | 1 | Customer’s middle initial |
last_name | string | Yes | 50 | Customer’s last name |
address | string | Yes | 300 | Customer’s home street address |
address2 | string | No | 100 | Customer’s home address line 2 - apartment or suite number |
city | string | Yes | 100 | City of customer's home street address |
state | string | Yes | 2 | State where the customer resides. Format is state two-letter abbreviation. Refer to the two- letter US Postal Service (USPS) abbreviation list given at the https://www.usps.com/ web site. |
zip_code | string | Yes | 10 | Customer’s home address zip code. Format is either nnnnn or nnnnn-nnnn . |
home_phone | string | Yes | 50 | Customer’s home phone number. Format: All numeric digits; no special characters |
mobile_phone | string | Yes | 50 | Customer’s mobile phone number. Format: All numeric digits; no special characters |
work_phone | string | Yes | 50 | Customer’s work phone number. Format: All numeric digits; no special characters |
drivers_license_state | string | Yes | 2 | State where customer's driver’s license was issued. Format is state two-letter abbreviation. Refer to the two-letter US Postal Service https://www.usps.com/ |
drivers_license_number | string | Yes | 20 | Customer's driver’s license number. Format: No special characters |
contact_time | string | No | 9 | Best time to contact the customer - ["Morning", "Afternoon", "Evening"] |
is_military | bool | Yes | true = Customer is a member of the US military or dependent of someone in the US military; false = Customer is not in the US military and not dependent of someone in the US military. | |
residence_type | string | Yes | 4 | Whether the customer owns or rents the residence - ["Rent" ,"Own", "Family", "Friend", "Other"] . |
email | string | Yes | 300 | Customer’s email address. Format is abcd@abcd.abc |
residence_months | int | Yes | Number of months the customer is living in the current residence | |
is_citizen | bool | Yes | true = Customer is a US citizen and at least 18 years old or false = Customer is not a US citizen or not at least 18 years old. | |
is_subscribed_future_offers | bool | No | true = Customer subscribed to future offers or false = Customer did not subscribe to future offers. | |
num_installments | int | No | Number of installments the system will create for the loan schedule | |
interest_rate | int | No | Interest rate to be charged on loan | |
language | string | No | 300 | Language which customer speaks. If no value is specified, English is used by default. |
income_type | string | Yes | 20 | Customer's income type - ["Employed","Self Employed","Disability", "Social Security", "Unemployed", "Pension", "Retirement", "Other"] |
payment_type | string | Yes | 20 | Customer's payment type - ["Direct Deposit", "Paper Check", "Cash"] |
employment_type | string | Yes | 20 | Does the customer work full or part-time - ["Full Time", "Part Time", "Not Applicable"] |
employment_months | int | Yes | Number of months the customer has been working with the current employer | |
employer_name | string | Yes | 100 | Name of customer’s current employer |
employment_address | string | Yes | 300 | Street address of the customer’s current employer |
employment_address2 | string | No | 100 | Suite or Apartment address of the customer’s current employer |
employment_city | string | No | 50 | City where the customer’s employer is located |
employment_state | string | No | 2 | State where the customer’s employer is located. Format is state two-letter abbreviation. Refer to the two-letter US Postal Service (USPS) abbreviation list given at the https://www.usps.com/ web site. |
employment_zip_code | string | No | 10 | Employer’s zip code. Format is either nnnnn or nnnnn-nnnn . |
employer_phone | string | Yes | 13 | Phone number of the customer’s employer. Format: All numeric digits; no special characters |
employment_phone_ext | string | No | 6 | Phone number extension of the customer’s employer |
employment_fax | string | No | 13 | Fax number of the customers’ employer. Format: All numeric digits; no special characters |
supervisor_name | string | Yes | 100 | Name of the customer’s supervisor |
supervisor_phone | string | No | 13 | Work phone number of the customer’s supervisor. Format: All numeric digits; no special characters |
supervisor_phone_ext | string | No | 6 | Work phone number extension for the customer’s supervisor. |
job_title | string | No | 100 | Customer’s job title |
work_shift | string | No | 15 | Customer’s work shift - ["First Shift", "Second Shift", "Third Shift", "Other"] |
pay_frequency | string | Yes | 15 | Customer’s pay schedule - ["Daily", "Weekly", "Bi- Weekly", "Twice-Monthly", "Monthly"] |
last_paydate | date | Yes | Customer’s most recent pay date. Format: yyyy-mm-dd . | |
next_paydate | date | Yes | Customer’s next pay date. Format: yyyy-mm-dd . | |
second_next_paydate | date | No | Customer second pay date after the loan. Format: yyyy-mm-dd . | |
net_monthly_income | int | Yes | Customer’s net monthly income (after taxes and other withholding). | |
gross_monthly_income | int | No | Customer’s gross monthly income (before withholdings) | |
bank_account_holder | string | No | 100 | Name of the holder of the bank account |
bank_name | string | Yes | 50 | Customer’s bank name |
bank_phone | string | No | 13 | Phone number of the customer’s bank. Format: All numeric digits; no special characters |
bank_account_type | string | Yes | 10 | Customer’s type of bank account - ["Checking", "Savings"] . |
bank_routing_number | string | Yes | 9 | American Bankers Association (ABA) routing number for the customer’s bank. Format: All digits; no dashes (nnnnnnnnn ). |
bank_account_number | string | Yes | 17 | Customer’s bank account number |
bank_months | int | Yes | Number of months the customer has had the bank account | |
is_direct_deposit | bool | Yes | Customer has direct deposit (true/false) | |
outstanding_amt | float | No | Outstanding balance of the customer on other loans | |
reference_first_name | string | No | 30 | Reference’s first name |
reference_last_name | string | No | 30 | Reference’s last name |
reference_phone | string | No | 10 | Reference’s phone number. Format: All numeric digits; no special characters |
reference_relationship | string | No | 15 | Customer’s relationship with the reference - ["Spouse", "Sibling", "Parent", "Co-worker", "Friend", "Boyfriend", "Girlfriend", "Brother", "Sister", "Employer", "Neighbor", "Other"] |
user_string | string | Yes | User Agent from the Loan Application. Example: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0 | |
sms_opt_in | bool | No | If the Customer has opted in for SMS Notifications |
ResponseName | Type | Length | Description |
decision | string | 30 | Approved = purchase lead; Denied = decline to purchase lead - [“Approved”,”Denied”] |
redirect_url | string | 300 | Loan application URL to redirect approved customer to. Avilable only when decision is “Approved” |
request_id | string | 300 | The request ID of the Loan Application |
comment | string | 300 | Additional information about the status of the loan application. |
Example request (JSON)#
Request header{ "x-api-key": "<your_api_key>", "Content-Type": "application/json"}
Request payload{ "lead_provider_id": "LP", "campaign_id": "LEADPROVIDER25", "request_id": "64109500301", "affiliate_id": "342256601", "affiliate_sub_id": "54321", "lead_price": 25, "application_website": "abcd.com", "test_type": "Deny", "ip_address": "", "requested_amount": 500, "ssn": "876543210", "dob": "1994-03-07", "gender": "Male", "first_name": "Charlie", "middle_initial": "A", "last_name": "Chaplin", "address": "123 Main Street", "address2": "Apt 301", "city": "Philadelphia", "state": "PA", "zip_code": "54465", "home_phone": "1234567890", "mobile_phone": "1357924680", "work_phone": "9998887770", "drivers_license_state": "PA", "drivers_license_number": "10637365", "contact_time": "Morning", "is_military": false, "residence_type": "Rent", "email": "charliechappie@gmail.com", "residence_months": 48, "is_citizen": true, "is_subscribed_future_offers": true, "num_installments": 20, "interest_rate": 60, "language": "English", "income_type": "Employed", "payment_type": "Direct Deposit", "employment_type": "Full Time", "employment_months": 15, "employer_name": "Anime Pub", "employment_address": "west block, Clinton Lane", "employment_address2": "1145, 8th floor, Empire Plaza", "employment_city": "Philadelphia", "employment_state": "PA", "employment_zip_code": "54465", "employer_phone": "9998887776", "employment_phone_ext": null, "employment_fax": null, "supervisor_name": "William Hill", "supervisor_phone": "1231231234", "supervisor_phone_ext": null, "job_title": "Bartender", "work_shift": "First Shift", "pay_frequency": "Twice-Monthly", "last_paydate": "2021-05-29", "next_paydate": "2021-06-14", "second_next_paydate": "2021-06-29", "net_monthly_income": 3500, "gross_monthly_income": 3800, "bank_account_holder": "Charlie Chaplin", "bank_name": "ABCD bank", "bank_phone": "1112223330", "bank_account_type": "Checking", "bank_routing_number": "123456789", "bank_account_number": "98765432", "bank_months": 36, "is_direct_deposit": true, "outstanding_amt": 500, "reference_first_name": "Jennifer", "reference_last_name": "Lawrence", "reference_phone": "1234567890", "reference_relationship": "Spouse", "user_string": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 12; SM-S906N Build/QP1A.190711.020; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/80.0.3987.119 Mobile Safari/537.36", "sms_opt_in": true}
Simple request (cURL)curl -H "x-api-key: <your_key>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data "<your_payload>" https://sandbox.lokyata.ai/leadBuy