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Bank Analyze

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Lokyata’s BankAnalyze product enables lenders to scale, improve, and automate bank statement credit decisioning. The product provides connectivity to over 16,000 institutions through the borrower portal. Lenders can review bank transactions and scoring summaries to make underwriting decisions through the lender portal.

Lender portal URL:

Lender portal credentials: [to be provided]

Sandbox Borrower portal URL:{report_id}

Prod Borrower portal URL:{report_id}

Sandbox API Posting URL:

Production API Posting URL::

Sandbox API Key: [to be provided]

Production API Key: [to be provided]

Postman Collection:

Overview, Configuration, and Options#

There are three ways to create a new report:

  • From UI (no integration required)
  • From Excelrate (relevant only if you are a customer of the Excelrate decisioning platform)
  • From API integration (described in this documentation). The API can be used to create and retrieve BankAnalyze reports. All reports details (transactions, summaries, etc.) are made available through the user interface.

A BankAnalyze report contains the most recent 90 days of transactions for each account (e.g. Checking1, Savings2) within an institution (e.g. Bank Of America). A report may not be linked with multiple institutions.

There are several options which can be adjusted from within the user interface settings, including decision automation rules. There are also several options which are configured offline. Lokyata needs the following information in order to configure the application for you:

  • List of all users who require UI access – email address, first name, last name, access level (admin or member) for each.

Lokyata supports multiple workflows. We are able to directly contact the borrowers to send them bank sign-in links via SMS and email. If you choose to use this workflow, we require the following information:

  • DNS validation to give Lokyata permission to send borrowers emails from your DNS (we can use our DNS name, but using yours is strongly suggested to improve conversion)

  • Email and SNS templates for messages sent to borrowers (we have default templates but we can support any customization for these messages)