Create a Reauth report
A re-authorization, or “reauth” report, should be used when a borrower is having trouble signing into their institution, or signed into the wrong institution, and wants to start the authentication process over with a new institution. Creating a reauth report deactivates all incomplete reports for that borrower and creates a new sign-in link.
Reauth Request
URL: POST /create_and_send_customer_url
Name | Type | Required | Allowed Values | Length | Description |
request_id | String | Yes | 64 | Unique ID for API request. Can be any unique ID generated by you. | |
customer_id | String | Yes | 64 | Unique ID for the borrower in external system. | |
report_id | String | Yes | 6 | Source report_id for existing report where sign-in process failed | |
report_type | String | No | Reauth | 128 | Default value: Signup. What type of new report to create. Signup: Borrower signs into their bank account. Reauth - Cancel all open reports and create a new Signup report. Refresh - Pull latest data for an existing connection |
loan_application_url | String | No | 64 | Link for loan app which can also be included in email and SMS sent to customer | |
is_contact_customer | String | No | 64 | Default value: true. If true, we will send a sign-in link to borrower via email and SMS |
Note that by default, in the sandbox environment, we will not contact the customer, regardless of the value of is_contact_customer parameter. Lokyata can enable customer contact in sandbox environment upon request.
Reauth Response
Name | Type | Required | Allowed Values | Length | Description |
url | String | Yes | 300 | Borrower portal link for bank login | |
report_id | String | Yes | 6 | Unique report ID created by Lokyata |
Example JSON Request
Request Header:
{ "x-api-key": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "Content-Type": "application/json"}
{ "request_id": "REQ-21", "customer_id": "8", "report_id": "ZJKPAF", "loan_application_url": "", "is_contact_customer": true, "report_type": "Reauth"}
Example JSON Response
{ "url": "", "report_id": "AEJJFC"}